In pics: When fuel is a scarcity, cars turn to cooking gas
- Despite being an OPEC member that sits atop the world's largest crude reserves, Venezuela is suffering from a chronic fuel shortage.
As Venezuela suffers the worst gasoline shortages in its modern history due to a near-complete collapse of its refineries combined with US sanctions that make it difficult to import fuel, residents are switching to cooking gas to run their vehicles. (REUTERS)
As Venezuela suffers the worst gasoline shortages in its modern history due to a near-complete collapse of its refineries combined with US sanctions that make it difficult to import fuel, residents are switching to cooking gas to run their vehicles.
Venezuelans are revamping vehicle fuel systems with a propane cylinder of the sort used for kitchen stoves. Here, a resident, Moises Vilchez connects a cooking gas canister on the trunk of his car, which is used to run his vehicle instead of fuel. (REUTERS)
Venezuelans are revamping vehicle fuel systems with a propane cylinder of the sort used for kitchen stoves. Here, a resident, Moises Vilchez connects a cooking gas canister on the trunk of his car, which is used to run his vehicle instead of fuel.
Often mechanics and in some cases drivers themselves revamp vehicle fuel systems to avoid service station lines that sometimes leave people waiting for days to buy gasoline. Here, a resident, Alfredo Gonzalez checks a cooking gas canister beneath his car. (REUTERS)
Often mechanics and in some cases drivers themselves revamp vehicle fuel systems to avoid service station lines that sometimes leave people waiting for days to buy gasoline. Here, a resident, Alfredo Gonzalez checks a cooking gas canister beneath his car.
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Many experts have recommended against the practice due to the potential for explosions and health risks associated with prolonged exposure to propane gas. Here, a resident, Moises Vilchez holds a fire extinguisher inside his car, which runs with cooking gas instead of fuel. (REUTERS)
Many experts have recommended against the practice due to the potential for explosions and health risks associated with prolonged exposure to propane gas. Here, a resident, Moises Vilchez holds a fire extinguisher inside his car, which runs with cooking gas instead of fuel.
Men push a truck that run out of fuel as Venezuelans are struggling to cope with chronic fuel shortage. The situation is a stark contrast to Venezuela's oil boom era when fuel was abundant and heavily subsidized. (REUTERS)
Men push a truck that run out of fuel as Venezuelans are struggling to cope with chronic fuel shortage. The situation is a stark contrast to Venezuela's oil boom era when fuel was abundant and heavily subsidized.
First Published Date: 29 May 2020, 11:37 AM IST