The new Maruti Baleno was launched on 23rd February 2022 in India. It excels in terms of size and utility, and the second generation's quality has improved with updates. Maruti's premium hatchback is still a petrol-only vehicle, but it now features a new-generation 1.2-litre normally aspirated petrol engine (without the mild-hybrid system) and an AMT transmission in place of the old CVT.
Maruti Baleno Price:
Maruti Baleno prices start at Rs. 6.61 lakh and go up to Rs. 9.88 lakh. Maruti Baleno is available in seven different models, with the Sigma being the most affordable and the top-of-the-line Maruti Baleno Alpha AMT costing Rs. 9.88 lakh.
Maruti Baleno Features:
The second-generation Baleno comes with a new body panel with a substantially broader grille and chrome appliqué that runs beneath it. The bonnet is flatter and wider and the lower bumper features greater sculpting and new LED fog lights. The new LED headlamps incorporate the Nexa brand's new three-block Daytime Running Lamp trademark. The mix of blue and dark grey primary plastics, as well as glossy light grey and piano black accents, gives the new dashboard design a premium look. The sportier flat-bottom steering in the redesigned cabin, and easy-to-read instruments features in the updated Baleno. The new 9.0-inch touchscreen is mounted flush against the monolithic binnacle and is easily accessible. The leatherette on the steering wheel has a pleasant softness to it, and the new toggle-style AC controls are suitably damped and illuminated. As far as safety is concerned in the Maruti Baleno, six airbags are standard on the top two types and ESP with hill-hold is standard on all AMT variants with the front disc brakes an inch larger at 14 inches.
Maruti Baleno Performance:
The new Baleno has a K12N engine, which does away with the mild-hybrid technology but keeps everything else from the K12C engine, including the 90hp and 113Nm outputs. The CVT automatic transmission has also been dropped in favour of a five-speed AMT, which is in line with the future CAFE 2 rules. It improves fuel efficiency at 22.94kpl and lowers pollutants.
Maruti Baleno Capacity:
The gasoline tank capacity of the Maruti Baleno is 37 litres. The Baleno can accommodate 5 people. It boasts a 318-litre boot capacity and has a roomy back seat.
Maruti Baleno Rivals:
Hyundai i20, Honda Jazz, Toyota Glanza and Volkswagen Polo are some of the direct rivals of the new Maruti Baleno.