Okaya EV Motofaast Bike Discount Offers in Ludhiana
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We have Offers available on following models in Ludhiana
Ola Electric S1 Pro
Bring Home Ola S1 Pro and Get Cash Discount up to Rs. 10,000…
Available in Ludhiana
Applicable on Gen 2
Gen 2
₹ 1.35 Lakhs
Applicable on 2.2 kWh
2.2 kWh
₹ 1.07 Lakhs
Applicable on 3.4 kWh
& 2 more..
3.4 kWh
₹ 1.37 Lakhs
S 3.4 kWh
₹ 1.46 Lakhs
ST 3.4 kWh
₹ 1.56 Lakhs