This is the most expensive car number plate in the world

Number plate 'P7' recently sold for a record 55 million dirhams (approx. 122.6 crore) 

 It went under the hammer at ‘Most Noble Numbers’ charity auction

It set a Guinness World Record for becoming the most expensive number plate in the world

It broke the record set in 2008, when Abu Dhabi’s car number 1 plate sold for 52.2 million dirhams

The bids for the number plate started at 15 million dirhams

Proceeds from the auction will go to support '1 Billion Meals Endowment' campaign

The campaign was launched to boost efforts to combat global hunger

The auction was collaboratively organised by Emirates Auction 

Various other number plates like AA22 and AA80 were part of the auction 

The auction also took place for special mobile numbers in Dubai. Click to know more
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