BMW to launch updated X6 on Nov 22

BMW upgrades the X6 with cosmetic changes and a new motor for the diesel.
BMW upgrades the X6 with cosmetic changes and a new motor for the diesel.
BMW upgrades the X6 with cosmetic changes and a new motor for the diesel.
Refreshed X6 to get exterior and interior styling tweaks.
Refreshed X6 to get exterior and interior styling tweaks.
Refreshed X6 to get exterior and interior styling tweaks.
Refreshed X6 to get exterior and interior styling tweaks.

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Refreshed X6 to get exterior and interior styling tweaks.
Refreshed X6 to get exterior and interior styling tweaks.
Refreshed X6 to get exterior and interior styling tweaks.
Refreshed X6 to get exterior and interior styling tweaks.
Refreshed X6 to get exterior and interior styling tweaks.
Refreshed X6 to get exterior and interior styling tweaks.
Refreshed X6 to get exterior and interior styling tweaks.
Refreshed X6 to get exterior and interior styling tweaks.
First Published Date: 17 Nov 2012, 11:25 AM IST

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