‘India will be one of our highest growth markets’

Even as the rumour mills are busy speculating about his retirement, 66-year old CEO of Ford Motor Corporation, Alan Mulally came calling in India to unveil a compact sports utility vehicle EcoSport on Wednesday. Excerpts from an interview with HT.
On India's potential
There is a slowdown in the Asia Pacific market that grew so fast last year but even then it is sustainable and poised to grow further. Our largest growth markets would be in Asia Pacific and India would be one the highest growth markets in the world.
On emerging markets as the key growth areas
For us, currently the US and North America is growing, so is Asia Pacific, China and Africa, even as Europe is struggling with debt crisis.
Our estimate is that by the end of this decade, emerging markets would account for a third of our global sales.
On changing preference for cars
The pillar of our global strategy is based on the fact that globally consumer preference has coalesced towards fuel economical cars. Hence the development of cars such as EcoSport that has a small 1 litre engine but even then it gives a performance like that of a bigger engine without compromising on the fuel economy.
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